Available Services
Barb is a Registered Social Worker and a Non-insured Health Benefits and Victims Compensation provider.
Are you a clinician building your competency in working with children and families? Are you interested in understanding the impact of trauma and how to support the child when they don’t want to talk? Do you lead staff who support maltreated children/youth and are looking for ways to support individual children or the home as a whole?
Consultation may help you to blend your current training and models of practice with a developmentally sensitive, trauma informed intervention.
Are you caring for a child who has a history of abuse and neglect? Are you a therapist working with a child who is challenging to support with a history of trauma? Are you a worker trying to connect a child with support resources but are confused as to what?
An NMT assessment might help.
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics Assessment is a clinical decision making tool that helps adults who live and work with abused/maltreated children understand behaviours by providing a snapshot of the child's current developmental level and functioning, and providing recommendations to support healing.
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you often experiencing difficulty managing your worries, feeling sad or angry? Are you trying to recover from a significant loss, event or conflict? Trying to make a difficult decision?
Does your child:
•experience/exhibit large emotional reactions?
• have difficulty with sleeping, eating and/or communicating needs and feelings?
• struggle in relationships with peers in the school environment or adults and siblings at home?
•struggle to follow direction?
• seem shut down and checked out?
Counselling may help.
Are you looking for a workshop to support the learning of adults that support children and youth?
Are you interested in in spreading knowledge about trauma informed communication?
A workshop may meet your needs.
*Please note that workshops are pre-made. There are no custom options available at this time.